How to choose the right English style breastcollar for your horse

You’ve read before about the differences between our Western breastcollar styles, but we’ve got a number of English breastcollars available in our shop, too.

Our standard English breastcollar is our longest-running design and is popular for being easier to take on and off. It can remain attached to the saddle D rings through the tugs, but can go on and off by using a scissor clip at the left shoulder — much easier than having to pull a martingale or breastcollar over the horse’s head. It comes with an over-wither strap that can be a good stabilizer for those occasional unexpected moments during your ride.

Our original English breastcollar design, shown in a two-color option

Our original design also has the option to add neoprene padding, and has two options for attaching to the girth — if your girth has O rings, it can be snapped on, or you can add a girth loop that slides over the girth. The original design is 1 inch wide, but we recently added a 1.5-inch width too, for horses with broader shoulders who could benefit from more stability.

Our 1.5-inch English breastcollar

We also offer a Jumping Breastcollar, which runs from the saddle side to side across the horse’s chest and over the neck. This can be a good option for horses that spend more time jumping or galloping; you’ll sometimes see this style on steeplechase horses for that reason. In those cases, riders may prefer not to have a strap that runs down to the girth in case it interferes with a hoof or a shoe.

Our jumping breastcollar

For our polo customers, we also offer a similar style called the Polo Breastcollar. The polo breastcollar has a wide strap of elastic around the front of the horse’s chest instead of a beta biothane strap, for even more stability during intensive movement.

Our Polo Breastcollar

Whichever of our English breastcollar styles you choose, you’ll be getting a choice of dozens of colors of beta biothane, a wide variety of sizes and hardware options to suit your needs.

Posted on October 1, 2020, in New Products. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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